
Recommended vegan food groups best

If you do not know which vegetarian food group that is healthy and can be eaten every day, please refer to the suggestion that Âu Lạc offers below!

8 Food group for fully nutritious vegetarians

1. Vitamin B12 food group

The body will need large amounts of Vitamin B12 to form red blood cells, as well as to ensure the formation of the nervous system and to deliver energy to organs in the body.

Vitamin B12 is found a lot in animals, vegetables, fruits … very easy to find on the market today. Eat plenty of vitamin B12 vegetarian foods to keep your body healthy.

Vitamin B12 has always been an important nutrient for health

2. Iron food group

It will be difficult to obtain them from regular vegetable dishes. Instead, combine with foods rich in vitamin C such as tomatoes, citrus fruits and strawberries to get the maximum amount of iron in your body.

If you feel that your body is always tired, not in the mood to work during the day, it is a sign that you are lacking iron because they are working “too hard” to transport oxygen in the body and help. controls certain hormones.

3. Omega-3 Fatty Foods Group

For those who are not vegetarians much, just meeting the omega-3 fatty acid requirements is enough. And vegetarians have to supplement 2-3 times to get enough energy to function.

Omega 3 is abundant in fish and walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, soybeans. This is a wonderful vegetarian food that you should not ignore.

Food sources of Omega 3 acids

4. Vitamin D food group

Referring to the nutritional food group for vegetarians, we cannot ignore Vitamin D. They are abundant in soy milk, orange juice, in mushrooms and grains.

According to research shows that most of the human body today is deficient in vitamin D. In addition to the full complement of the above foods, follow the recommendation of the Cleveland Clinic (USA): Take time to expose sunshine 3 times a week for 15-20 minutes each time to be healthier.

5. Calcium food group

Calcium is found in orange juice, tofu, cereals, lettuce, broccoli and dairy products, … is good for the development of bones and helps to strengthen bones. Each day, adding 1 cup of soy milk or 1 cup of cow’s milk will help the body absorb about 30% of the daily requirement of calcium.


Food source contains large amounts of calcium for the body

6. Zinc food group

According to the US National Institutes of Health, zinc is harder for the body to absorb from plants than from animals! Because legumes and whole grains contain phytates – Causes that decrease the body’s absorption of zinc. Therefore, you need to choose foods for vegetarians that can add 50% more steamed zinc than daily needs.

You can eat plenty of whole grains, squash seeds, cashews, nuts, green beans, oatmeal, and peas to add a large amount of zinc to your body. Also, cut down on the phytate in foods by soaking grains, beans and seeds in water for a few hours before cooking.

7. Iodine food group

Iodine is required for the thyroid to function properly and it is abundant in iodized salt, as well as seafood and milk. In addition, you can get iodine from plants such as whole grains, seaweed, lima beans, green beans, bananas, prunes.


Iodine is a nutrient that helps in brain development and effective physical enhancement

8. The Protein Food Group

Many vegetarians have a problem with how to get the most complete protein. Because each body needs to tolerate about 10 – 35% of the daily caloric intake.

Plant-based protein is super nutritious, providing fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients and healthy fats. Therefore, you should eat more: almonds, quinoa, green beans, tofu, lentils.

Sometimes plant-based vegetarian foods lack certain essential amino acids. Therefore, you should combine with many different foods to have all the amino acids for your body.

Hopefully, with the above great suggestions, you will find the most nutritious vegetarian food group for you. If you want to find and buy vegetarian products that are qualified and affordable, do not hesitate to come to Au Lac to enjoy your choice.

Contact information

AU LAC Vegetarian Food Production & Trading CO., LTD

Address: 237 Xo Viet Nghe Tinh, Ward 17, Binh Thanh District, HCMC

Phone: 028.37173989 – 37173159

Zalo: 0917.202.639 – 0902.423.433

Fax: 028.37173993

Website: www.aulac-vegetarian.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/aulacvegetarian

Email: vegan@aulac-vegetarian.com

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