
3 ways to make delicious vegetarian mushrooms

You know, mushrooms are common foods and ingredients for making delicious vegetarian dishes. If you also love mushrooms and want to learn about the ways to make delicious vegetarian mushroom dish, the article below we will help you get 3 specific recipes. Sure, it’s easy to do.

Vegetarian stewed golden mushroom dish

To cook a vegetarian stewed mushroom dish, you need to prepare the following ingredients: 2 packages of enoki mushrooms (note that the number of mushrooms depends on the number of people eating), scallion 1 tree, chili 1 fruit accompanied by spices, satay …


– Step 1: The needle fungus prickles you to cut off the foot of the mushroom and then tear it apart and wash it. Picked out and squeezed out carefully and then drained.

– Step 2: Put the needle mushrooms in the bowl and add 2 teaspoons of soy sauce and 1 chopped chili, 1 teaspoon of satay. Let’s marinate these ingredients over a period of 10 minutes.

– Step 3: Take this ingredient and fry it for a few minutes for the mushrooms to ripen, then turn off the heat. Finally, turn off the heat and let the mushrooms sprinkle the minced onions on top. Now you can enjoy with white rice right away. Make sure that it will be very wasteful to see.


Mushroom is an ingredient for many delicious vegetarian dishes

Braised straw mushroom tofu

One more way to make vegetarian braised mushrooms attractive and also many people apply it is stewed mushrooms with tofu. You just need to prepare the following ingredients: 2 pieces of fried tofu about 400g, 200g of mushrooms and spices such as white sugar, vegetarian seasoning seeds, salt, cooking oil, pepper, soy sauce and colored water.

How to do the following steps:

– Step 1: You take the mushrooms to clean the root, then rinse and split each mushroom to help spices absorb evenly, avoid boiling water in the mushroom because it can cause burning mouth if eaten hot.

– Step 2: With tofu, wash it and then cut it into small cubes to taste. At this point you heat up 2 tablespoons of cooking oil then add the tofu and stir gently and evenly. Continue to add 1 cup of water, half a teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 2 teaspoons of seasoning seeds, half a teaspoon of pepper, half a teaspoon of sugar. Stir well and then cover the pot, cook over low heat.

– Step 3: When you see the water in the pot is almost empty, open the lid, then add the mushrooms. Continue to add half cup of water, 1 teaspoon color water, half a teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of seasoning seeds, half a teaspoon of pepper and half a teaspoon of sugar. You stir well, then cover and cook over low heat.

Note: Please open the lid often and stir up. When the water in the pot is nearly empty and thick, turn off the heat.


Braised straw mushrooms tofu are many people love

Stir-fried shiitake mushrooms with vegetarian mix

The last vegetarian stewed mushroom we would like to introduce to you is mixed fried shiitake mushrooms. You prepare all the ingredients including: shiitake mushroom 50g, half a carrot, half a bell pepper, 100g young corn, 50g green bean, 1 small onion with spices including oyster oil, pepper, sugar , onion, garlic bulb.

Steps to make stir fried shiitake mushrooms:

– Step 1: You bring all the ingredients clean. Bring carrots with baby corn to boil.

– Step 2: You do not aromatic minced garlic onion. Next, add the mushrooms, corn and carrots and sauté first.

– Step 3: Finally, you season the seasoning and stir, then add a little water and continue to add green beans, bell peppers and onions. When you see that the stir-fried water has compared, the dish is ready and the heat can be turned off. Ensuring this dish is both delicious and attractive that anyone will enjoy when enjoying it. Especially, eating mixed fried shiitake mushrooms is also good for health, providing many nutrients for our body.


Shiitake mushrooms help process many delicious vegetarian dishes

Some of the information shared above of the article we hope to partly help you understand 3 ways to make delicious vegetarian mushroom dish. Do not forget to come to Au Lac Vegetarian Food to buy a variety of quality and delicious vegetarian food to prepare many delicious vegetarian dishes for your family to enjoy. All matters related to needing advice and support related to buying and making delicious vegetarian dishes please contact us for a more thorough consultation!

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