
5 Simple, delicious and easy to prepare vegetarian dishes every day

In today’s article, Au Lac will introduce you to simple and easy to cook vegetarian dishes every day. Or for those who want to cook on the full moon day.

Combination of simple vegetarian dishes, easiest to make

1. Red bean soup

An extremely delicious and nutritious dish for the health of vegetarians.

Processing instructions:

– Young beans are washed with water to reduce acidity and bare with boiling water to clean them completely and then cut into pieces with the size of 3x3x3.

– Red beans bring soaked with water, remove the seeds floating on the surface because they are deep, musty, damaged. After that, soaking red beans in clean water overnight will soften them, making them faster when cooked.

– Next is to bring the soaked beans to wash them thoroughly and put in the pot. Add water about 2cm higher than beans.

– Ninh beans in a pot about 20 minutes until boiling, then let low heat. To soften and save more time, you should use a pressure cooker when simmering the beans.

– When the beans are completely cooked because you take out and grind it thoroughly => Continue to boil on the stove until boiling, add the diluted flour mixture with water and stir until the soup pot looks like.

– Finally, add the young beans and season with spices to taste. Should enjoy while the bean soup is still hot, it will taste better.

Delicious red bean soup

2. Braised tofu with lemongrass and chili

Add a simple vegetarian dish for the full moon day or a daily meal that is extremely delicious and delicious!

Processing instructions:

– Wash tofu to reduce sourness, cut pieces to taste and fry until cockroach yellow color.

– Lemongrass just take the young part, smash it and chop it well.

– Washed and chopped red chili, or minced, the better.

– For cooking oil in the kitchen and heat until the oil boils, then add lemongrass and chili to the frying fragrance.

– Put the original fried tofu in a pan and stir for about 2-3 minutes, then season with salt, sugar, seasoning seeds, soy sauce to taste.

– Continue to gently stir 1 turn and cover tightly, boil 10 minutes more to make beans already infused with spices.

Finally, the dish is arranged beautifully, served with hot rice, chili sauce or chili fish sauce is great.

Braised tofu with lemongrass and chili is delicious and nutritious

3. Vegetarian cooking broccoli soup

This is a nutritious vegetarian dish for hot days that you should consult and prepare for your family right away.

Processing instructions:

– Choose the fresh broccoli, remove all stalks, take only the flower and cut into moderate pieces. Wash the pre-cooked broccoli and take it out and drain

– Carrots peel, wash and cut into chunks or circles.

– Apples are washed, peeled and cut into 6-8 areca segments, remember to remove all the seeds inside.

– Cut tofu into rectangular 2-finger pieces, fry until just arrived and then pour out a separate plate.

– Put apples and carrots in a pot + 1l of water and cook for about 15 minutes. Then just take out the apple and add the broccoli and fried tofu and cook together until soft.

Finally, taste the spices you eat, turn it over and add the chopped cilantro into the pot. Ladle into a bowl and enjoy now!

The vegetarian broccoli soup is frugal and delicious

4. Crispy mushroom dish

It is one of the simple nutritious vegetarian dishes made by many vegetarian devotees.

Processing instructions:

– Mushroom mushrooms choose the big ones, remove their feet and wash them thoroughly. Then bring soaking in salt water for about 5 minutes to remove the smell as well as help clean.

– Take the right amount of fried flour and put it in a bowl, add water and stir until the mixture is viscous, no more clumping, then drop the mushrooms.

– Put the oil in the pan and heat, then put the dipped mushrooms in turn to fry until golden brown.

– Take turns to work until the ingredients are out, note that you need to add oil absorbent paper to the plate before taking out the fried mushrooms.

– This dish comes with lettuce, cucumber and sweet and sour dipping sauce.

Simple crispy mushrooms are easy to make

5. Peanut pumpkin soup

An extremely delicious soup that any adult or child must love.

Processing instructions:

– Pumpkin you bought immediately peeled and removed all seeds, washed and drained. Then cut it into bite-sized pieces.

– Peanuts wash the water to remove all dirt and filter bad particles. You can either grind it directly or pre-boil it.

– Chopped onions bring non-aromatic and peanuts to fry briefly. Add a little vegetarian seasoning seeds and fish sauce to make it bold and continue to simmer.

– When the water is boiling, put the squash in the pot and season one more time to taste.

– You can taste if you see peanuts, soft squash, then add chopped green onions and cilantro and turn it into a bowl and enjoy.

Pumpkin, peanut, super soup for the full moon day

That’s it then! 5 This simple vegetarian dish will delight you. To buy delicious vegetarian food, don’t forget to visit Au Lac!

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