
Instructions on how to cook delicious vegetarian dishes

How to cook delicious and attractive vegetarian dishes but simple and easy to do is what many people are interested in. Therefore, in the content shared below, we would like to advise you on specific instructions to make it easier for you to cook delicious vegetarian food for yourself. Stay tuned for more clarity!

Vegetarian stewed tofu dishes

Referring to the list of vegetarian dishes, of course, vegetarian tofu is always the first dish that many people are interested in. Here you just need to prepare the following ingredients: Tofu 2 covers, kohlrabi 1 bulb, onion 1 bulb, mushrooms 150g, 1 carrot, 2 teaspoons sesame oil, 2 teaspoons fried bean oil with onion, pepper, sugar, salt.


Attractive vegetarian tofu stew


Step 1: Tofu you take a quick wash and then cut horizontally with a thickness of about 1cm. Next, you bring the beans and minced garlic onion, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, ground pepper, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons of sesame oil for about 5 minutes.

Step 2: Bring straw mushrooms, kohlrabi, onion, carrot, cut it into small pieces to taste.

Step 3: You put 2 tablespoons of oil in the pan and then add a little salt. When you see the oil is just hot, then you add the peanuts and fry it to brown both sides. Turn 2 sides so that the gold is even.

Step 4: You put in the pan of beans after pouring half a cup of filtered water, then cook for about 5 minutes. In another pot, put the mushrooms in the bottom position, then put the carrots, kohlrabi, beans in the pot, leave the remaining water when boiling beans. You add 1 teaspoon of thick soy sauce, chili sauce or chili powder, and sugar and cook over medium heat.

Step 5: In the end, after about 10 minutes, the pot of tofu stewed vegetarian has gone down a lot, you note that while cooking, you should shake and rotate, not stir with chopsticks because it makes the food break. Season to taste and turn off the heat.

Vegetarian braised cabbage dish

The next list of delicious vegetarian dishes cannot be without cabbage dishes. We simply prepare yourself fully the following ingredients: cabbage 250g, mushroom 100g bud, fried tofu 100g, 200ml water, half a teaspoon sugar, soy sauce 2 tablespoons, garlic or minced onion, onion cut into piecs.


Vegetarian braised cabbage is chosen by many people


Step 1: Take cabbage split into leaves, cut into bite-sized pieces, soak with dilute salt water, then wash and drain. With the mushrooms, peel a part of the dirty mushroom legs and soak it with dilute salt water, add a little flour to white mushrooms. And the tofu is washed and then cut into small pieces to taste.

Step 2: You add the garlic oil to the fry and cook the mushrooms in and fry first. Next, add cabbage, water, soy sauce and sugar, and let low heat for about 20 minutes to help spices absorb. In the end, just taste again to taste and then add scallions and then lift down. You served this vegetarian dish out to eat with everyone.

Mixed vegetarian taro dish

Another item on the list of vegetarian dishes is mixed vegetarian taro. With this dish you should prepare all the ingredients such as: Chicken drumstick 1 piece, radish 1 bulb, bean cover 1 cover, mushroom, soy sauce 2 tablespoons, oyster oil 1 teaspoon, sugar 1 teaspoon, fruit syrup fragrant 1 teaspoon with spices chili, dried onion and pepper.


Mixed vegetarian braised taro is delicious with hot rice


Step 1: We bring radish, carrot, and mushrooms to the preliminary processing. Then, square pieces of all these vegetables.

Step 2: With beans, fry them to brown, and fry the taro.

Step 3: You scent the onion with 2 tablespoons of oil and then put the carrots in the island first or boil them over the carrots, at the same time you put all these ingredients together at the same time.

Step 4: Put all the spices in the pot, but remember to cook without using chopsticks because it will cause taro to be crushed. Turn to low heat and then cook until absorbed, soften all ingredients. Finally, add 1 teaspoon of oyster oil to make the dish more smooth. Serving food with hot rice will be extremely attractive.

So above, Au Lac Vegetarian Food has introduced to you how to cook delicious and delicious vegetarian dishes. I hope you will easily do it successfully and remember with us when you need to choose to buy vegetarian food for more nutritious meals.

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